Nora Mills, Stage II

Diagnosed  05/25/2016

I am not a sun-bather or a user of tanning beds. I have fair skin, brown eyes, and dark brown hair. Melanoma does not run in my family. Even so, a mole high on the back of my left arm started to itch and bleed a couple of years ago. I finally got around to having it checked and was surprised to hear my diagnosis. I’m having a wide excision procedure and possible removal of lymph nodes. What will happen after that I don’t know. Obviously, it’s best to avoid tanning booths, use sunscreen or cover up when outdoors even on cloudy days, especially if you are blue-eyed and fair-skinned. But I’m proof that melanoma can happen to anyone. Urge your family and friends to keep track of their moles whether or not they have a lot of sun exposure. Thanks to all who share their stories!!