Fundraising 101

Fundraising 101


Anyone can fundraise! Whether you host a bake sale, coordinate an AIM Steps Against Melanoma  Walk, pledge your birthday, or collect change, here are some guidelines to help you put together a successful campaign.

INVOLVE FRIENDS AND FAMILY. Share your fundraiser with those closest to you. Reach out personally to each one and tell them what you are doing and why. Ask for their support.

MAKE IT PUBLIC. Then take your fundraiser to your wider circle and the general public. Post a message on Nextdoor or on a community bulletin board. Ask friends to forward it. There are people out there who care about melanoma and about supporting people in their community who do good things. Let them know what you’re doing.

Share why YOU are fundraising for the cure. Tell YOUR story. People give to people more readily than to causes.

SHARE THE GENERAL, TOO. Tell people why this disease needs their support: Tell them that we’re all at risk because we are all exposed to UV rays. Tell them that there will be 200,340 cases diagnosed in 2024. Tell them that nearly 8,290 people will die this year. For more melanoma facts and statistics read here.

STATE WHERE THE FUNDS GO. Share AIM’s name, mission, and good works. Our 501c3 information is readily available on your fundraising page and on all walk materials. Read more about AIM here.

SAY THANK YOU. Thanking your donors is the most important step in fundraising. AIM will send a tax acknowledgment and thank you to all donors to your campaign page, but your personal thank you is critical.