Bill Martin

05/30/1954 — 02/11/2012

My dad, my hero, was diagnosed with nodular melanoma in January 2010. We were told that he had found it early, but that it was a very aggressive type of cancer.

He did everything he could to fight this disease. He went to Mayo Clinic for surgeries and radiation therapy. Eventually, it spread to his bones. He tried Zelboraf because he had a gene mutation where Zelboraf was proven to be effective.. While on the drug he began experiencing pain and was told that many patients experience severe joint pain.

In January 2012 we all held our breath as we waited for the results of a PET scan to show how the drug was working. We were told that it was not making things better or worse. On February 1, 2012, Dad went into the hospital with severe pain. We were told that the melanoma had spread very badly and very quickly.

My dad passed away on February11, 2012. He stayed faithful to God to the very end of his life here. He told me that we were never promised an easy road and that this world is full of trials and tribulations. He said that even with things the way they were now, he would not trade lives with anyone. He lived a good life with a wonderful family.

My dad is my hero. He fought the good fight. I will see him again one day, new body, same gentle sweet soul….

Mary Martin, daughter

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