David J. Kropfelder

11/26/1949 — 02/12/2003

Our dad was a man of strength, courage, and pride. He listened to our problems and helped to guide us into making decisions. He shared in our disappointments as well as our dreams. Our dad loved us enough to hold us close when we needed him the most and loved us enough to let us go out on our own. For this we will never forget our father’s face, the stern sound of his voice, the stories he told, or the lessons he taught. And so in honor of our father we vowed to never, never quit until we can help to find a cure for this horrible disease through the creation of the David Kropfelder Melanoma Foundation.

Katie Kropfelder, daughter

One Comment on “David J. Kropfelder”

  1. I remember David from the Clinton Pilots 1969. I was 10 and working at the ballpark as a concession vendor. I remember seeing David’s hard work and devotion to the game. I also saw David at St. Patrick’s Church at Sunday mass from time to time. He was a good guy.

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