Donald James Wiser

03/20/1943 — 04/18/2005

Don was told in 1980 that he had a mole that did not look good. So, all the procedures were done, removed, checked etc. It was melanoma. Then, he followed-up for 10 years. Nothing. On a June morning in 2004, he woke up with a large lump under his arm and then all hell broke.

Surgeries, meds, check ups, radiation, chemo, trips to Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor… But, through it all Don was so uplifting to all of us. He always had a great big grin. On one trip, the doctor said Don there is nothing more we can do for you and all he said was, thanks for what you have done.

We went home and for the next 3 weeks our house was grand central station, as all his family and friends came to say goodbye and everyone left our home uplifted by his attitude. I miss him but he taught us all so much. I am so proud to have said this man was my husband. This is a HORRIBLE disease.

Your Wife & Loving Family

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