Michael Caleb Kainoa Gusman

11/18/1969 — 06/10/2013

I lost my husband, the love of my life, June 10, 2013, after only learning he had Stage IV melanoma 4 months before in February 2013. He had no signs of cancerous moles anywhere that could be found – the primary sight was never identified.

By the time a tumor had appeared on his thigh around the holidays, his cancer had already taken over his entire body. When we viewed the results of his CT scan for the first time in February, we were horrified to see the tumors throughout. His melanoma had metastasized to his lungs, esophagus, stomach, and liver, and the next scan would reveal our worst fear, it had spread to his brain as well. This was our worst nightmare.

He fought with all he had, but in the end it wasn’t enough to conquer this beast. He leaves behind six children & myself, his wife & caretaker, his other half.

I can’t tell you how much it hurts. Everyday my heart breaks, every single day. The pain is unbearable. I miss him so very, very much. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy~♡♥♡I love you my Honey Boy 4 Always No Matter What~xoxo

Heidi Gusman, wife

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