Richard McKinnon

05/10/1955 — 08/02/2007

My older brother Rich was a great guy.  Loved golf and family.

5 years earlier, he had a small area of skin cancer removed off his ear.  5 years down the road, he was making a good living as a contractor and saw a commercial about full body scan imaging.  He decided that might be a good idea as he had just turned 50.

They found a mass in one of his lungs.  When they did the biopsy, they said they got all of it although there was a good chance it would come back.  It did – in the kidney, the other lung, and brain.

He then went through hell with bio-kemo therapy.  They used a gama knife on his brain tumor.  This gave him so much brain swelling adema that he shortly lost his vision.  He then had 2 brain surgeries.

To keep the adema under control, he was prescribed a steroid.  While on the steroid, they could not treat the cancer.  Left with the decision… brain swelling out of control or untreated cancer.

He died at home surrounded by some close friends and some family.  I was honored to hold his hand as he took his last breath.

He is survived by his wife, 3 sons, and 2 granddaughters.

We hold an annual golf tourney in his name.  It will be held in 3 weeks.

Dan, brother

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