Louis “Buddy” Dussetschleger

05/25/1957 — 05/01/2009

We called him Grove, he always answered to it and never seemed to mind, so it stuck. Grove was a quiet, patient, and caring person who worshiped his family, especially his wife. He spent most of his adult life watching his four kids play sports of various kinds year round for 2 decades. He couldn’t have been happier with this.

In 1999 he had a cancerous lesion removed from the top of his foot. Then, in 2006, just shy of his 49th birthday he went in because he thought he had pulled his groin. There was stage III melanoma in his lymph nodes in his groin. All the nodes were immediately removed. Over the course of the next 35 months he would have 7 surgeries, interferon, interleukin, and radiation treatment at MD Anderson in Houston. While there were points when the melanoma was less aggressive, it never shrank or died. The cancer never went to a vital organ, instead surfacing to the skin and growing upon itself on Grove’s leg. Only moving to the pelvis bone next to his groin. This caused him great pain and suffering. On May 1st, 2009, 3 weeks short of his 52nd birthday, Grove’s suffering came to an end.

Grove battled cancer in much the same way he lived his life, with honor, dignity, and an unselfish sense that was always at the front of his mind. His battle inspired us all greatly. To see a loved one fight so hard, and for what, for our time. He never asked for anything other than to be part of our amazing family. This gives all of us a tremendous sense of worth. We miss his quiet and calm presence so much and will forever.

Erica, Joe, Kevin, Stacey, CD, and Mom

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