Timothy LaBarbara

07/23/1984 — 10/15/2010

Tim was a very outgoing and much loved individual. He was a son, a Marine, a husband, and a father.

In August 2009, Tim was having abdominal pain. We took him to the hospital, and they found a large tumor in his liver. After biopsies and CAT scans, he was diagnosed with Stage IV melanoma. We had him at UCLA within 2 weeks of diagnoses, and he started chemo, which was no benifit,. He was accepted on the BRAF trial and had many side effects; however, after dosing adjustments he did well for a good 9 months until he had a seizure due to multiple tumors in his brain. Radiation was started, but after the radiation he continued to go down hill until we lost him.

He is with God now and living eternal life, no longer in pain. He left us with the gift of a granddaughter to keep his legacy alive.

Janice LaBarbara, mother

One Comment on “Timothy LaBarbara”

  1. I served with him in Iraq. He was the life of the Squadron. I don’t think I ever saw him clean. I have a picture that I want to give to the family. It’s one of the last ones we have of him alive.

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